Your TSP Objectives: Minimize Losses and Maximize Gains
What is TSP Watchdog?
TSP Watchdog provides straight-forward information to help you manage your TSP account.
Every Monday morning, we deliver to each subscriber’s INBOX a short discussion of the market’s activity during the previous week – and its impact on the TSP funds.
This email includes updated trend analysis for every TSP fund – and tells you whether each fund is on a positive or negative trend.
It also includes a TSP Fund Allocation Guidance Report – with five model portfolios ranging from Very Conservative to Aggressive.
You can use this information to make more informed decisions about your TSP.
For $12.79 per month, you can have access to professional guidance for your TSP account.
What's Included with Your Subscription?

- A weekly TSP Fund Allocation Guidance Report
- A weekly discussion of recent market activity and its impact on the TSP funds
- Weekly trend analysis of every TSP fund – all the primary TSP funds (C fund, S fund, I fund, F fund and G fund) as well as all the L funds
- A Members Only login to access our library of past weekly updates, our federal employees blog and keep track of your preferred TSP allocation
- A Risk Assessment Questionnaire to help you identify your risk tolerance and a corresponding allocation of your TSP account
- An offer for a FREE personalized Federal Retirement Benefits Report
- An offer for a FREE personalized Retirement Income Plan – which shows you how your FERS/CSRS annuity, Social Security (for FERS employees), TSP and other retirement resources can work together to provide your desired retirement income
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* Investing internationally involves risks not associated with US investments such as foreign currency exchange rates, differences in financial account practices and possible political or economic instability. Please consult your financial advisor before considering these investment.